Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Top 5 Superfoods that Promote Weight Loss

When I say "weight loss", it means healthy weight loss with no diets or starving oneself. Healthy eating should be a part of one's life. People choose to emphasise more on body than on nutrition and health that's where ignorance starts. I have struggled with my weight and after adding these superfoods to my diet, my health has been better than before and it helped me in my fitness journey.

1. Green Tea

Green tea has antioxidants that helps in metabolism, reduces risk of cancer, burns fat and helps in losing weight. I have lipton's flavoured green tea with lemon where i can have both the effects as lemon water aids in digestion. Most of the fitness enthusiasts have green tea regularly and it gives great start to your morning instead of regular tea and coffee.

2. Oats 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and what's best than oatmeal to start your productive day. Oats have fiber which keeps you full for longer. Oats can be also used in making cookies, energy balls, pancakes, etc. The best way to consume oats is porridge with fruits on top and people are getting creative with it also adding it to smoothies with nuts, chocolate, berries on top. Flavoured oats are also easy available in the market but i recommend not to have this as it contains added sugar.

3. Whole Grains

We Asians love rice but the white ones we eat is low in nutrition. Brown rice is highly nutritious and has fiber which helps in managing weight. Whole grains are unprocessed while white rice/ bread are refined and are stripped of its nutrients in the process. Though once in a while having white rice doesn't harm but opt for whole grains to get maximum nutrients and for healthy body. Some people get bloating after having bread so choose gluten free bread.

4. Lentils and Beans

Lentils and beans are good source of protein which are essential for vegetarians and vegans. They are cheap and are easily accessible in the market. Lentils are essential part of meals in India and having it with rice makes a complete meal. Consuming beans at night is not recommended as some may have digestion issues. Beans need to be soaked overnight and cooked the morning after. Canned beans have sodium and preservatives so it's best to avoid that.

5. Bananas

Bananas makes great pre and post workout snack. It is the most nutritious among the other fruits. It tastes great in smoothies. You can add in oatmeal and make a healthy addition to lots of recipes. It is the most consumed fruit and are available in all seasons. Good source of fiber and potassium.

Let me know if you like such posts, soon going to post recipes here :)

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